So we need to backtrack a little bit here and tell you about New Years. Once again, we were sitting on the couch at Liz's parents' house (I guess we do that a lot) on New Years Eve trying to figure out what we were going to do for the evening. Time was ticking and I (Dave) was racking my brain to come up with something. So I went into the kitchen to get something to eat and when I came back into the living room, Liz and her parents are all bustling around like they're about to go some where.
"Umm...What's going on?," I inquired.
"We're going to the casino. Get your stuff together!," says Liz.
Apparently in the time it took me to get a snack, Liz and her folks had decided we were going to the luxurious WinStar casino in Oklahoma for our evening festivities. I was dubious, but then again, I didn't come up with anything better, so what the hell.
So we rolled up to the casino around 5 or 6pm. Looked like a really flat, spread out version of Epcot Center. On the inside, it looked like every other crappy casino I've ever been to. Anyway, once we got in there, Liz's parents immediately disappeared to whereabouts unknown, leaving Liz and I to traverse the casino by ourselves, which was fine by us. Crazy sightings and adventures ensued:
1) Saw a cover band which was lead by a middle-aged, Joan Jett wannabe chick with huge fake boobs. That wasn't the funny part. When we actually looked at their fan base we soon discovered it was comprised of about 50 drooling, dumpy, middle aged men all hoping for a piece. Very sad. Very funny.
2) Same venue with the Joan Jett band: Ok so there were a few women getting down to the infectious grooves. One of them was this tall, husky blond girl who was blasted out of her gourd. Well, she ends up leaving her purse on the floor. Liz being the good samaritan that she is, collected the purse and returned it to its drunken owner. They were immediately best friends. As least that's as far as I could tell from the girl's spittle filled speech. We got a picture of the two of them together. It's a miracle the girl could stand up long enough for us to get a shot of her.
3) Best part of the night: Right around midnight, Liz and I were getting a little bored until we heard some loud music coming from a gigantic dance hall in the casino. When we got in there, we witnessed pure awesomeness. First of all the band, which was posing as a cover band, was really lead by Prince. Swear to God. The dude was Prince. Looked like him, moved like him, sounded like him...was him. Incredible.
With the Prince beats rolling, Liz and I got out to the dance floor and busted a move with the likes of a retarded looking Austin Powers and his crew of fembots, a dancing table, Cleopatra, and other assorted miscreants. Liz's dad even joined us for some intense line dancing. All in all, not a bad way to ring in the new year.
That's about it. The dance party wound down. We hung around for an hour or two more waiting for Liz's parents to be done with their games, then got the hell out of dodge at around 3am.
So there you have it. Our first new years together. Casinos, fake boobs, drunk chicks, Prince, retarded Austin Powers.....sweet!