Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1) Cravings

2) Nausea

3) Morning Sickness

4) Gas

5) Moodiness

6) Bloating

7) Heartburn

8) Indigestion

9) Glowing Skin


Can anyone help us out on this one? Liz has all of these.


What could it be???



Yeah that's right. We are having a baby. We know it's early in our relationship and yes we had planned to go on many adventures and blog about them before we had kids, but then we said, "screw it, let's go on the biggest adventure of all time!" And I'm sure this will beget a lot of blogging as this adventure rolls on.

You can make a donation at

Just kidding. In any event, we're running the gaunlet of emotions, but mostly, we're pretty excited. Hopefully it comes out better looking than Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. AHHHH I am so excited for you guys!!! THINK PINK!

  2. I Don't really have all of those symptoms!


  3. I run the gamut of those symptoms every day and I don't even have an excuse.
    ...I was thinking of names that sound good with Dave's last name last night instead of counting sheep.

    My captcha was "Lizetski".
